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TJM Arthrosis
In the case of arthrosis of the jaw, it is very often the joint cartilage which is most damaged. The symptoms are reduced joint function, pain and stiffness, asymmetrical swelling, click sounds, reduced motility and closed lock.
Over time the symptoms could also include facial pain, deformity and decreased function. The symptoms and the causes will vary among the persons affected. Arthrosis of the jaw tend to build up with age. The disorder could also be caused by damage or illness.
What you can do yourself:
Keep yourself active
Eat healthy and varied food
Cool down the most painful area
Try over-the-counter painkillers
How we can help:
Jaw pains are complex, and the causes are many.
KA Klinikken offers you an overall consultation with extensive tests based on the latest research. We analyze how your brain and your nerve system affect the rest of your body, aiming to reduce and remove unwanted pain, and obtain long lasting results.
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